Are there any other benefits to using DrySmart?
What does it take to install DrySmart?
What do I do with DrySmart if I decide to replace my dryers?
What venues can DrySmart be used in?
What Dryers is DrySmart compatible with?
Are there any situations where DrySmart is not recommended?
Has DrySmart been field tested?
What feedback has been reported from DrySmart installation sites?
How does DrySmart compare to factory RMC capability available on some dryer models?
What does DrySmart do?
Most commercial dryers continue running for 8 to 12 minutes after the laundry is dry. This overdry time wastes energy, increases operating cost, and reduces linen life.
When installed in a commercial dryer, DrySmart automatically determines when a load of laundry is dry. This is known as Residual Moisture Control or RMC. DrySmart effectively eliminates overdry time, reducing energy cost, and increasing linen life.
In an On Premise (OPL) dryer, when DrySmart determines that the laundry is dry, it turns off the heat for a brief cooldown period, then stops the dryer.
In a Vended dryer, when DrySmart determines the laundry is dry, it turns the heat down to about 15% and allows the dryer to continue running until it naturally times out. The laundry remains comfortably warm, no matter how long the dryer continues running after the load is dry.
How does DrySmart work?
DrySmart is an electronic device that plugs into the wiring harness of most commercial dryers. Once installed, it monitors dryer operation, employing innovative software that precisely determines when the laundry is dry.
How much does DrySmart save?
Actual savings depends on energy pricing and laundry volume. A laundromat with 40 dryers will typically save about $6,000 per year. A hotel with three 75 lb. dryers will typically save $4,000 to $6000 per year in energy cost, and $10,000 to $20,000 per year in labor.
Are these savings documented?
Yes. In addition to its energy saving function, each DrySmart maintains a data log about the operation of the dryer. This log tracks actual overdry time saved, as well as dryer usage and diagnostic data. The results are exported to an easy to read Analysis Report that clearly shows energy and cost saved. In the thousands of commercial dryer hours monitored by DrySmart, overdry time has consistently averaged 8 to 12 minutes per load.
Are there any other benefits to using DrySmart?
Eliminating overdry time significantly reduces fabric damage, and according to industry studies, extends the service life of linens by over 30%.
What does it take to install DrySmart?
Installation is easy and noninvasive. No additional sensors are required. No cutting, drilling, or modifications to the dryer wiring are needed.
Modern dryers have a small control panel at the front that the wiring harness plugs into. DrySmart uses a short, dryer specific, adapter cable that easily connects DrySmart to the dryer’s wiring harness.
There are three connectors on a typical DrySmart adapter cable; a gendered pair that connects between the dryer controller and the wiring harness, and a plug that connects to the DrySmart. Installation for most dryers, is typically a matter of these simple steps:
- Open a small service door.
- Unplug the wiring harness connector from the dryer controller.
- Plug the DrySmart adapter cable into the dryer controller.
- Plug the wiring harness connector, just removed, into the DrySmart adapter cable.
- Plug the remaining connector into the DrySmart.
What do I do with DrySmart if I decide to replace my dryers?
If a dryer with DrySmart installed is replaced, the DrySmart can easily be removed and installed in the replacement dryer. If the replacement dryer is not the same model as the old one, new DrySmart adapter cables are available at nominal cost.
What venues can DrySmart be used in?
DrySmart is best used in these facilities:
- On Premise Laundries
Hotels, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Institutions
- Vended Laundries
Laundromats, Apartment Complexes, Dormitories
What Dryers is DrySmart compatible with?
DrySmart is universal for most OPL and Vended commercial dryers. There are a few exceptions, such as mechanical timer dryers, and a very small number of models in which DrySmart does not currently fit. We plan to address these dryer types in the near future.
We have developed adapter cables for the most popular dryer models; further development of cables for additional models is ongoing. Lead time to accommodate a dryer type that we haven’t previously encountered is typically two weeks.
Are there any situations where DrySmart is not recommended?
Bed Pads
Commonly used in nursing homes, bed pads are specially constructed to hold moisture in the core while the surface remains dry. DrySmart is currently not recommended for drying bed pads. In a facility that washes bed pads, this can be addressed by installing DrySmart in all but one of the dryers.
Small Dryers
DrySmart works fine with small dryers, but the cost savings is less, as these dryers use less energy than larger types. DrySmart is currently recommended for Dryers of 30 lb. capacity or larger.
Has DrySmart been field tested?
The first DrySmart units were installed in a laundromat in 2012, for a six month trial. When the trial period ended, the laundromat purchased the units and they are still in use today. There are currently about 250 DrySmart units installed and in daily use.
What feedback has been reported from DrySmart installation sites?
At an early hotel installation site, the facilities engineer was very enthusiastic. In addition to thousands of dollars in energy savings, the time he spent resolving laundry problems dropped dramatically. Increased throughput completely eliminated chronic backlog issues. Personnel are confident that when the dryer stops, the load is dry, cool, and ready to unload. This response has been typical for this type of venue.
In laundromats, owners have been delighted with the energy savings, and have experienced no reduction in customer satisfaction.
How does DrySmart compare to factory RMC capability available on some dryer models?
While we have not done a formal comparison between factory RMC and DrySmart, we have observed that many of our customers’ dryers have factory RMC, and they purchased DrySmart anyway.
What is the Return On Investment (ROI) for DrySmart?
Natural Gas
For laundromats, typical ROI is less than 24 months.
For OPL facilities, typical ROI is less than 12 months, not including labor savings.
For laundromats, typical ROI is less than 12 months.
For OPL facilities, typical ROI is less than 6 months, not including labor savings.
Actual ROI will depend on energy pricing and laundry volume.
How are DrySmart settings and log data accessed?
DrySmart has built in infrared communications. A convenient infrared probe is available, for use with an iPhone or iPad app, to configure DrySmart and download logs as desired. The log data is automatically uploaded to DrySmart servers.
When we receive your DrySmart logs, we export them to a detailed performance analysis. This report also includes the raw log data.
The analysis clearly shows energy and labor savings realized, and also provides dryer usage and diagnostic data that laundry managers find very useful. The complete report will be sent to you via email.
The DrySmart app for iOS is available on the App Store here.