What happens when your laundry is dry?
Without DrySmart

When the laundry is dry, the dryer keeps running and consuming energy for 8 to 12 minutes per turn.
This costs thousands of dollars per year in wasted energy.
OPL Venues
In most venues, the dryer keeps running and consuming energy for 8 to 12 minutes per turn.
This costs thousands of dollars per year in wasted energy, and thousands of hours per year in wasted labor.
In many venues, the dryer often stops before the laundry is dry.
When staff encounters wet laundry, they run the dryer again. If staff is busy, repeated turns often run for the full dry time.
This results in extensive unnecessary repeated turns, wasting both energy and labor.
With DrySmart
DrySmart knows when your laundry is dry.
It eliminates overdry time and repeated turns, saving thousands of dollars in energy and labor costs.
When DrySmart determines that the laundry is dry, it allows the dryer to continue running. It then turns the heat down to approximately 15%, maintaining about 100 degree laundry.
This saves about 85% of the energy wasted during overdry and the customer always gets warm dry laundry.
OPL Venues
When DrySmart determines that the laundry is dry, it enters cooldown mode for a few minutes, then stops the dryer.
This saves fuel, electricity, and labor, and materially increases linen life.